York Literature Festival

Last week was wonderfully busy, taking the long drive from Exeter to York for this year’s York Literature Festival. It was a fabulous opportunity to take part in a Sci-fi/Fantasy event hosted by the lovely folks of Stairwell Books, joining up with fellow authors for a panel of questions and readings from our array of worlds.

And after we’d told of our earth-bound universes, the floor was open to an open mic, where participants stepped forward to share their works in progress. A fabulously creative collaboration, and a great chance to chat with writers and readers who enjoy stepping out of the realms of the ordinary and into the fantastical.

We drove up to York a day early, with all good intentions for dropping by other events. It was not to be. I had only a vague childhood memory of York, and Kate had never been, so sightseeing beckoned. Watched over by the looming York Minster, we wandered the cobbled streets, munching on old fashioned sweets as we joined the tourist trail. In the museum gardens we came across a lucky find, a display of birds of prey. The owls sat with their regal poise, but my sights rested on the Harris hawk, a bird I’ve never been up close to before. I thought about the sequel to Return of the Mantra, my current work in progress as I await the edits. In the story, a bird’s eye view is seen through the featured hawk. Research, I told myself, as I slipped on the glove and looked into the beady eyes of the hawk perched on my hand.

In other news, I caught a glimpse of the latest poster, where I can reveal the name of my beloved fantasy series – Blood Gift Chronicles.

And now back to work. Waiting for the edits on book 2 gives time to work on book 3 as more lands are revealed.

Happy Reading!

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