
Following my last blog, The Human Condition, I was left thinking more about the ingredients that make life, and stories, interesting. The unexpected plot twist, the random event, stepping outside the familiar to embrace something new, to learn, to experience something fresh. It’s one of the reasons I like cities, or at least ones which ooze the diverse nature of humanity.

Following one of these random, spontaneous events, I recently visited London. Despite the smog, visits to the capital always feel like a blast of fresh air. This day trip came as a result of a well-known quiz show, of which my lovely partner, Kate, is a fan; so much so, she decided to enter to go on this popular TV show! The random call came that she was being invited for an audition, so train tickets booked, we headed out one early Wednesday morning.

I was keen to go along for the ride, especially after discovering the audition was in Camden Town. Over the past few months, in fact since being discharged from hospital last year, routine has been important for recovery – a day trip to Camden was the biggest step I’d taken outside the familiar.

And so I thought I would share some of the highlights and just a few of the faces I met along the way. The sounds you will have to imagine, but they range from the keow of seagulls at the lock, to music as diverse as the sights, to the soft meow of a nine week old kitten riding the tube against the background throng of ‘mind the gap’.