Fantastical Horizons

I hadn’t expected to be attending World Fantasy Convention 2020, set to take place in Salt Lake City, Utah. But with Covid-19 stamping out social gatherings, the organisers created a virtual event, that I was pleased to attend from the comfort of home.

I had the opportunity to give readings from Blood Gift Chronicles. In Return of the Mantra, we heard from Suni, a young woman who has to come to terms with the fact that the fate of her homeland depends on her. This was followed by a sneak preview of the sequel, The Warder, where we face the question: are they gifts, are they curses, are they both? It was heartening for the readings to receive such a warm reception, and for the themes to evoke discussion and questions that kept me on my toes.

With a vast array of readings, panels and workshops to attend, the convention flew by. An unexpected bonus of the virtual world is the ability to record and view later, which means I’ve managed to squeeze in more panels than I might have done otherwise. To have access to so much knowledge and inspiration, to hear from such a diverse range of voices was such a privilege. I’m still catching up on panels I’ve missed, though have made good ground on working through a self-imposed, jam-packed schedule.

It’s been fascinating to hear from writers across the globe, each bringing a unique perspective and cultural flavour to this genre rooted in myth and folklore: from the creepy malevolence of quiet horror to the monsters we love to create; from the morally grey worlds of noir fantasy to the dark crazy worlds filled with chaos; from the high energy coming-of-age firsts and reimagined futures of speculative fiction… A greater range of voices brings authenticity as we challenge the status quo, breaking boundaries of tropes and archetypes in a bid to create a broader world view, a world where many worlds fit.

Discussions have been enthralling, and my reading list has grown exponentially. I look forward to discovering new books, and sharing the titles and authors I have found. It might take a while.

In the meantime, while my writing pal sleeps…

I have panels still to watch.

Wishing everyone a good week ahead.

Stay safe.


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