Fantastical Creatures

It’s proving to be a fantasy-filled Saturday here at the British Fantasy Society’s Jubilee event – thank you Zoom! Given a reading slot for The Warder, Book Gift Chronicles Book 2, it was great to be able to squeeze in extracts highlighting the points of view of the three main characters. First up, Luna, a girl plagued by visions. Then her older cousin, Wanda, a young man gifted and also cursed by a shadow bound to him. And finally, someone who Wanda shares history with, a woman gifted to watch over her young friend.

As it turned out, the timing worked well, with my reading following a fascinating and fun Fantastical Creatures panel. Storytelling being as old as time, it’s interesting to consider what sparked the big cat legends, or how big birds carrying babies away might have given rise to the first flying dragons. And in the world as we know it, with species going extinct, how stories of dragons often feature a certain melancholy, analogous to real world extinctions. Whatever the origin, from lumbering giants and fearsome trolls, to magical elves and vampires, mythical creatures have captured imaginations since the dawn of time. Spawned from their environment, whether its selkies in a loch, or bogies chasing hunter/gatherers, they are used to entertain, to uphold morality, to connect to the divine, and warn against dangers. And they teach humility. There are things bigger than us, things beyond our control, things of the unknown.

Dragons featured heavily in the panel, of course, with discussion that got me thinking about the dragons I introduce in my own series. Rather than simply other-worldly, havoc-wreaking creatures that are an extension of the existing natural world, the dragons in my series are two-fold: an introspection of the dragons within us, woven into storylines analogous to trauma, loss, mental health, love, loyalty, and empowerment; and yes… the ultimate power rendering us common folk helpless. And then things change again in the final instalment, Book 3, and oh I’m having fun with the magic in that…

It’s such a great genre to work in, with so much scope, and fun – in many ways a great homage to the magic of childhood. As for incorporating fantastical creatures, the options are endless. Do we lean into existing creatures and their tropes, or create something new? As familiar as dragons are, I’m definitely going for a wholly fresh, new angle. And never say never to inventing something entirely from scratch. With so many folders on file and ideas to mull over, new creatures are in there taking shape. Perhaps the imagination is a muscle. The more you use it, the bigger it gets. Love what you do and I certainly do love creating thought-provoking and colourful fantasy worlds that might also just offer some insight into the world as we know it.

To finish, I’ll leave you with a couple of fantastical creature story recommendations: The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia McKillip, featuring a fantastical menagerie including a swan, a dragon, a lion and a boar; and The Water Bailiff’s Daughter by Yvonne Hendrie, for lovers of selkies.

What are you reading?

For the Love of Books #14

In this book post I thought I would give a nod to our younger characters, in two wonderful YA books that, like all books of this genre, are for readers of all ages. The first of my recommendations is inspired by the fact that it is LGBTQ+ history month.

The Magic Fish, by Trung Le Nguyen

The Magic Fish is a wonderfully unique story that carries powerful messages about identity, acceptance and love. It’s a long time since I read a graphic story, and this re-introduction was a great reminder of the power of graphics. The animations are beautifully descriptive and require few words to illustrate what is a complex journey for our main character, Tien. From the outset, it may appear like a small story, but this is the story of a boy living in social margins, an immigrant story among others things, and one that offers astonishing depth.

Tien has a story to tell his parents, but communication is difficult: they are refugees struggling to learn English, while Tien doesn’t know the words in Vietnamese to come out to them as gay. The answer lies in fairy tales – a language that Tien and his parents share. With the help of fairy tales, family and friends, Tien discovers how to tell his story to those close to him, how to accept himself and ultimately navigate the world. It is a novel told with interlinking storylines weaving between reality and fairy tales, so sweet and poignant and with an ending that is utterly heart-warming.

The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman, By Robin Gregory

Born in 1892, a baby boy is found tucked inside a wooden fishing basket by the nuns of San Miguel de las Gaviotas. So begins Moojie Littleman’s journey of fantasy, magical realism, and miracles that are as real as the visiting extraterrestrials.

“He arrived on the heels of an earthquake. A minor hiccup as disasters go, the murmur rippling undersea, causing dories in the bay to bob and spider crabs to flood the beach like a ghostly pink tide.”

Moojie ends up in the care of his hard-hearted grandpappy. It’s an unsympathetic home for a biracial and partially-disabled boy with unique and tender magical gifts, and an innate empathy for humans, animals and nature. Until he answers the call of the wild, and discovers kindred spirits. So begins a series of trials as Moojie is called to a great destiny. But can he survive one last terrifying trial?

It is a magical tale of love, belonging, and pilgrimage, unique and inspiring and creatively told, with prose that comes alive on the page, lyrical and enchanting. It is a story that oozes with optimism, speaks of possibilities, and has you believing that miracles really do exist.

What are you reading?



Winter Days

Of writing advice, Ursula Le Guin once said,

‘As for “write what you know”, I was regularly told this as a beginner. I think it’s a very good rule and have always obeyed it. I write about imaginary countries, alien societies on other planets, dragons, wizards, the Napa Valley in 22002. I know these things.’

I couldn’t agree more and while working on the third instalment of Blood Gift Chronicles, the current ‘write what you know’ takes me to the islands of the far western archipelago and the world of mages…

But today, I thought I’d stop by and share a couple of real-life ventures, while taking a break with a change of scene to recharge the batteries.

Crisp dry winter days can be the perfect time to visit ordinarily busy seaside towns, like the colourful fishing port of Brixham, perched on the tip of Torbay. With colourful buildings crammed into the hillside, swans swimming in the sea, cartoon street art and Xmas decorations taking pride of place in January, it’s a picturesque and eclectic place.

Not forgetting the Man and Boy statue, celebrating Brixham’s fishing heritage and commemorating lives lost at sea.

Brixham is a place I’ve driven through and always planned to return for a chance to explore, not least because of the extraordinary spectacle moored in the harbour: a full-size replica of the 16th century Golden Hind. Complete with rigging and crows nests it stands almost in touching distance of the walkway, a close encounter that brings home day to day life in Brixham.

December’s day trip was a more tranquil outing to North Devon’s Rosemoor gardens and a winter sculpture trail. Among woodland and lawns, pathways and mazes, I’ll leave you with what was a real feast for the senses.

Until next time…


For the Love of Books #13

I have a real treat in store for this episode of For the Love of Books: two titles with themes of the natural world, albeit it an extraordinary natural world. The first was one of my favourite reads of 2021.

The Water Bailiff’s Daughter by Yvonne Hendrie

The Water Bailiff’s Daughter is such an unusual read and one I adored. Set against the atmospheric shores of Loch Duie on the western coast, Scottish folklore is woven into the extraordinary tale of Helena Hailstanes, part witch, part otter, part human. It’s a story of self-discovery, as Helena comes to terms with her connection to the ancient race of shape-shifting otters, a connection she shares with her father, Sam.

The extraordinary is also very much rooted in the mundane, bringing to life all the complexities of family. The writing flows with ease, concise in its descriptions that brings the place alive on the page. The dialogue draws you in to characters that left me rooting for each member of this messy, complex family that learns to pull together against the odds. Love, loyalty and mutual respect flourish and grow in this place so tangible I can almost feel the cold waters of the loch and smell the fishy aroma of an otter’s favourite meal.

Each character is on their own path of self-discovery. Sam, a man intimately connected to his otter side, chooses loyalty, forgoing natural instincts to conform for those he grows to love. Through Rose, Sam’s wife, we see the reality of a woman’s place and what she must overcome to be permitted a respectable place in the community. And the main character, Helena, is forced to navigate adolescence: destined to live a small life hidden from the wider world, she yearns for more. All this while discovering her true heritage, her otter instincts, and the truth that overshadows all else. With destinies entwined, there is a reason Helena is closely watched over by the sea witch, Megan. But nothing is predictable in the world of this extraordinary heroine.

A Natural History of Dragons by Marie Brennan

A Victorian woman, Lady Isabella Trent, defies societal conventions with her love of books, natural history and dragons. The book reads as a historical memoir, in the style of classical literature, themed around a wildlife adventure; indigenous wildlife being dragons. Reading like a travel log, written in the first person, the character voice and perspective of Lady Trent was consistent, believable, and provided a new angle that felt unique and fresh.

We first meet Isabella as a girl who collects sparklings, is a voracious reader and loves dragons. She marries a man who accepts her unconventional interests, and at 19 years old, Lady Trent ventures out on her first expedition: dragon spotting on the mountains of Vystrana.

The story is character driven and includes some interesting analogies. This is a woman who comes face to face with dragons, yet on a night of wakefulness, wandering the streets, it is men and an ‘outrage upon my honour’ she fears most. The general context of stifling sexism is well placed for the era, and dragons are Lady Trent’s escape. Her adventures perfectly depict that moment of awe when rounding a corner or emerging atop a summit, and being faced with the extraordinary sight of a dragon full flight, or stretched out across a gentle slope. These sightings, together with scientific discoveries and an in-depth analysis of dragon anatomy, were my favourite parts, in a read where dragons have never felt so real.

What are you reading?

Happy New Year 2022!!

New Year’s Eve was a day for tying up loose ends, making plans, visiting friends, and a quick trip to one of my favourite places in Exeter: the quay.



The streets were quiet, but the late-night skies were ablaze with fireworks. Now ever-so-slightly-bleary eyed and time to reflect.

2021 has been a memorable year in more ways than one. I was super proud to be able to release The Warder, Blood Gift Chronicles Book 2, and to receive Firebird Awards for both Return of the Mantra (winner of LGBTQ fiction category) and The Warder (winner of YA fiction category). Click here for my award interview.

Like its predecessor, The Warder was a labour of love over many years, and it’s great to hear from readers who have got in touch or listened at various on-line and in-person events this year.

The Warder is the sequel to one of my favourite books of 2018, Return of the Mantra. I wasn’t sure Susie would be able to increase the enthusiasm I had for her characters and her world, but she left me reeling after a couple of pages.”

“The way Susie was able to expand her world without slowing down the narrative was a masterclass in worldbuilding.”

‘This book is a charming story of loss, love and finding yourself in the most unexpected places. It is epic fantasy with a heart that will leave you scarred but begging for me. Plus it has dragons and who doesn’t love dragons. I can’t wait to return to this world.”

Click here for full review.

I couldn’t wait to return to the world either, and have been immersed in book 3, working towards the conclusion of the overarching story that connects these three books. Tying up loose ends is hugely satisfying, while further developing the landscapes of the world, complete with new characters and familiar faces at the next stage of their lives. With colour, depth, texture and layers, I’m excited to get back to the writing.

For now a pause as we tip into January, complete with a fresh new diary just waiting to be filled.

I love this time of year, these moments of calm after the busyness of Xmas, the quiet after fireworks to consider possibilities for the year ahead.

Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful, Creative, Wonderful New Year 2022!!

Festive Lights

Blood Gift Chronicles Book 3 is well underway. I look forward to giving a writing update in the new year, but for now I thought I would take a pause in my working day to share some local festive cheer. It was just a quick trip this year, tagged on to a shopping day, but it’s always a treat to soak up the ambience of Exeter Xmas market, complete with the cathedral looming in the background providing a wonderfully gothic feel.

Then on to spot the decorated trees on-route, since no trip would be complete without a visit to the annual charity tree display – a wonderful reminder of the great work of our local charities.

For the Xmas light display we went further afield with a trip to Powderham castle, armed with mugs of peppermint tea and chocolate brownies to snack on. With the whole castle and gardens lit up like a Xmas tree, it was an impressive display.

But perhaps the star of the show were three orphaned lambs wearing Xmas jumpers, tucked away in the grounds of the secret garden, unfazed by ogling visitors looking to catch that perfect Xmas card shot.

For now it’s back to work, but in the meantime…

Wishing everyone a very Merry Xmas

Happy Holidays, and a

Happy, Healthy, Peaceful New Year 
