Tag: BristolCon

A Season of SFF

The start of a busy week, following a busy bookish weekend, at a time of year I’ve come to think of as convention season. Saturday saw a day trip to Bristol, for this year’s BristolCon, and what a wonderful day! A great time was had in the dealer’s room, and in particular in our corner of the room alongside inspiring authors and innovative small presses. The lovely Josie Jaffrey, author of The Wolf and the Water, was a pleasure to chat to, as was Max Turner, writer and producer of the diverse press, A Coup of Owls. And of course it was a pleasure to meet and talk with readers at my own book table.

There was chance to give a reading to a roomful of fantasy lovers, swept away with Wanda’s hawk flight over the grasslands of Shendi, from The Warder, Book 2 of Blood Gift Chronicles. And it was great to take part in a panel that kicked off the day, answering that all-important question, how to turn an idea into a novel, or novella, or short story for that matter. It reminded me of my humble beginnings, living in a bedsit that was a beautiful, creative space, with a door that was covered in post-it notes scribbled with characters, settings, scenes, plots… notes that frequently got moved around, repositioned, added to, until a story was slowly taking shape. That story turned into Return of the Mantra, many, many drafts later.

Into this week and I’m looking forward to the coming weekend spent tucked up in my writing room for the four day online convention that is World Fantasy Con, live all the way from Kansas, a place that inspires the word, story. With authors from around the world, I love the international feel, and look forward to taking part in the programme, discussing representation, and in particular, disability.

For now, a moment to savour my current read, The Green Man’s Heir by Juliet E. McKenna, a simply magical read with a whole new contemporary feel to the folklore of Dryads.

What are you reading?

Wishing everyone a great week ahead…

A Season of SFF Conventions

Looking forward to the week ahead, because… it is WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION 2023, my third year there, and I will be tuning into New Orleans from the comfort of my writing room. Really excited for so many inspiring panels, and conversations with readers and writers alike. And of course, I’m looking forward to being a panelist again, programmed on Friday’s, Just Who is the Villain panel. Buzzing – but more on that later.

New Frontiers

Last weekend involved a trip to Montreal, Quebec, (from the comfort of my writing room via zoom) for World Fantasy Convention 2021. What a great weekend, not to mention a great opportunity to show off my new bookshelves – such a relief to finally be able to unpack my books! With a half-hour reading slot, I was able to share a taste of The Warder, giving a glimpse into the extraordinary lives of all three protagonists. It’s always wonderful to see captivated listeners, and hear how your words hit home. Thanks to all those who came along to listen.

It was also wonderful to have the opportunity to join in with a couple of panels. The Classics panel reflected on older works, discussing how they hold up to the contemporary lens. It’s astonishing to think of the origin of stories like Dracula, inspired by a sadist, torturer of women, yet still prevalent in popular culture today. My favourite take on vampires is Octavia Butler’s Fledgling, (reviewed in an earlier blog), not least because she takes the opportunity to explore power dynamics.

H.G. Well’s The Invisible Man is a theme that stands the test of time. Invisibility used to add power to men, god-like power giving the ability to act with impunity, lends itself to the theme of the recent remake which tells a haunting tale of domestic abuse. As long as onlookers stay silent, look the other way, aid and abet, perpetrators of domestic abuse are able to act in an absence of scrutiny, akin to the powers of invisibility. A really powerful message, as well as a glimpse into a world of constant surveillance, and warnings of technology made without foresight of damaging consequences.

And no conversation of the classics would be complete without Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, although for me I was thinking more about the experience of the writer. Eighteen years old when she started writing it, probably inspired by grief, published it around 1818 anonymously out of concern she might lose custody of her children. With scepticism over how a woman could have come up with something so hideous, she endured undermining critique and condescension. And through it all she gifted the world with a remarkable story, delivering messages that monsters are not born they’re created, and that famous cautionary tale that science can go too far.

Then onto the Gendering Genre panel.

From the dubious representations of women in western fairytales (evil witches, evil stepmothers, damsels in distress to name a few), to the prevalence of ‘strong’ kickass women and girls, scantily clad and attractive to the male gaze, to discussing ways conventional expectations can be subverted, and stereotypes challenged. Diverse representations, non-typical heroes, challenging stereotypes, are all huge considerations for me in all aspects of work, so needless to say I loved the panel and was glad to be able to share a sample of my well-loved reads that tick all the boxes. Click here for a few of my favourite complex heroines in SFF, who definitely challenge stereotypes.

Huge gratitude to the organisers for pulling off such a dynamic and complex event, bringing together the in-person and virtual world.

And lastly, the previous week was a quick trip up the motorway for a day of sci-fi/fantasy at BristolCon. More readings, more panels, this time looking at our favourite, and not-so-loved empires in the genre. With each discussion I join in with, I’m reminded what I love about speculative fiction: with its ability to critique, challenge, push back against convention and harmful narratives, it literally paves the way into new frontiers.

What are you reading?