Tag: reading

For the Love of Books #1

Reviews are a gift to a writer, and so I like to do my bit, especially when it’s a book I’ve particularly enjoyed. For any book lovers out there yet to discover Goodreads, I highly recommend it as a treasure trove for championing books and discovering new reading material.

Two dystopian titles come to mind when I think about recent great reads.

For the Love of Books

I often think of stories as a gift to the world; at least that’s how they feel to me when I’m reading. Whether it’s reading to relax or be entertained, wanting to learn something new or have your imagination stimulated, or wanting to travel and explore from the comfort of your sofa. And when a book becomes worn after several rereads, there comes the feeling of companionship found while curled up with favourite characters.

The Big Launch

I often think of writing as tapping into that introverted side of yourself. Time spanning hours, days, months and years are spent alone, with your own head for company, creating worlds, characters, themes and plots that will ultimately blend into your story. And all the while that story sits in the comfort of your carved out niche, told only to you and your nearest and dearest.