Tag: young adult

Eastercon 2023

Reflections of a busy weekend in Birmingham for this year’s Eastercon, an annual convention of all things sci-fi, fantasy and horror. It was great to be there in person, representing Blood Gift Chronicles with readings from The Warder.

And it was a great chance to catch up with my publishers, Stairwell Books, at home with a fabulous book table in the dealer’s room.

As a writer/reader/watcher of these genres, the fact that I love them goes without saying. But it’s conventions like these that give you the deep dive into a world that knows no bounds, and demands that you look harder, root further, for all we bring as writers, and for all we celebrate as readers. I took part in many great panels, which in themselves is revealing, including topics around feminism, LGBTQ+, young adult, older protagonists, and cats – which proved popular for a nation of cat lovers!!! Plus it was great to meet new people, talk with readers, share ideas, support and encouragement, and be inspired by possibility.

It is always interesting to reflect on the power of representation and its role in fuelling liberation, on a personal level with the potential to translating into wider society. Empowered people seek liberation. And then, while standing on the shoulders of giants, (thank you Ursula Le Guin and Octavia Butler, among others) we imagine anew and expand on ideas of possibility. As far as the environment goes, it has never been more urgently needed. Whilst I may expand on some ideas in future blogs, for now, a special mention to the ever-growing young adult market, a genre for all ages, with enormous range, scope and potential. Personally, as far as politics goes, the future depends on young people, as well as an open line of communication across generations. And what better way to share than through stories.

“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begins in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.” Ursula K. LeGuin

Speaking of the environment, it was a breath of fresh air to appreciate a big pocket of wilding among the urban, from Canada geese at the NEC, to promising bat boxes. And a special injection of art, with lilies on the water, and a sculpture entitled ‘Beyond All Limits’ by Luke Burton, specially commissioned to commemorate the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics, and dedicated to Help for Heroes.


 On a different note, it was a special someone’s birthday on Monday, and since we were in Birmingham, what better way to celebrate than a visit to Cadbury’s World, followed by dinner at TJI Fridays…

Goodnight Birmingham…xxx

For the Love of Books #14

In this book post I thought I would give a nod to our younger characters, in two wonderful YA books that, like all books of this genre, are for readers of all ages. The first of my recommendations is inspired by the fact that it is LGBTQ+ history month.

The Magic Fish, by Trung Le Nguyen

The Magic Fish is a wonderfully unique story that carries powerful messages about identity, acceptance and love. It’s a long time since I read a graphic story, and this re-introduction was a great reminder of the power of graphics. The animations are beautifully descriptive and require few words to illustrate what is a complex journey for our main character, Tien. From the outset, it may appear like a small story, but this is the story of a boy living in social margins, an immigrant story among others things, and one that offers astonishing depth.

Tien has a story to tell his parents, but communication is difficult: they are refugees struggling to learn English, while Tien doesn’t know the words in Vietnamese to come out to them as gay. The answer lies in fairy tales – a language that Tien and his parents share. With the help of fairy tales, family and friends, Tien discovers how to tell his story to those close to him, how to accept himself and ultimately navigate the world. It is a novel told with interlinking storylines weaving between reality and fairy tales, so sweet and poignant and with an ending that is utterly heart-warming.

The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman, By Robin Gregory

Born in 1892, a baby boy is found tucked inside a wooden fishing basket by the nuns of San Miguel de las Gaviotas. So begins Moojie Littleman’s journey of fantasy, magical realism, and miracles that are as real as the visiting extraterrestrials.

“He arrived on the heels of an earthquake. A minor hiccup as disasters go, the murmur rippling undersea, causing dories in the bay to bob and spider crabs to flood the beach like a ghostly pink tide.”

Moojie ends up in the care of his hard-hearted grandpappy. It’s an unsympathetic home for a biracial and partially-disabled boy with unique and tender magical gifts, and an innate empathy for humans, animals and nature. Until he answers the call of the wild, and discovers kindred spirits. So begins a series of trials as Moojie is called to a great destiny. But can he survive one last terrifying trial?

It is a magical tale of love, belonging, and pilgrimage, unique and inspiring and creatively told, with prose that comes alive on the page, lyrical and enchanting. It is a story that oozes with optimism, speaks of possibilities, and has you believing that miracles really do exist.

What are you reading?