For the Love of Books #3

It is Monday morning of what promises to be a busy week, not least because World Fantasy Convention 2020 is due to start in just a few days. I’m thrilled to have been given a reading slot to read from Return of the Mantra.

(News Update: Free delivery worldwide on Return of the Mantra from Book Depository.)

News Update

Just over two years ago, Return of the Mantra was released into the world: the first in the series, Blood Gift Chronicles. Now, with the edits complete and book cover plans underway, it’s exciting to see Book 2, The Warder, reaching its final milestone.

For the Love of Books #2

A favourite shelf on the bookcase comes under the category, International. There are many reasons why I love books, one of which is to gain understanding of different cultures and perspectives. Whether it’s fiction, autobiographical, historical, or all three, they are like portals that allow for travel from the comfort of home.

Art in the Devon Landscape

I’m back on the edits of Book 2, The Warder, and the end is in sight. But before I get to work, I thought I’d share some highlights of summer day trips, and there’s a theme in the air.

Since coronavirus hit, many have looked to nature and the outdoors to help ride the storm, and I am no exception. But I especially like to marry it with art in the landscape, a way of feeling connected to people despite the need to distance.

For the Love of Books #1

Reviews are a gift to a writer, and so I like to do my bit, especially when it’s a book I’ve particularly enjoyed. For any book lovers out there yet to discover Goodreads, I highly recommend it as a treasure trove for championing books and discovering new reading material.

Two dystopian titles come to mind when I think about recent great reads.

Out and About

It’s been a busy year so far, working through the edits of my soon-to-be book. And while the edits are back with the publisher, the paints have been out. More on that another time, but just to say this summer weather has inspired a chain of thoughts that translate into 3 new canvasses.

With the UK slowly opening, people are starting to venture further afield. Here in Devon, a holiday hot spot, the beaches are busier than ever. So, it’s a case of finding places off the beaten track. But before the holiday flow arrived, we got out and about appreciating a few of the county’s well-loved treasures.